“I believe some of our stars will always be the same. You entered the foyer of my mind and stumbled down the hall of my beginning.”
my Gardenia,I love you so. I want to hold you close and stare at you - see everything that's oh so dear to me in person. I wish to take you somewhere new with the both of us, and start anew. Leave the past behind, and hold each other in our arms. Whisper corny sweet nothings into your ear in an attempt to make you laugh.
Fate is a cruel mistress, yet she is kind enough to allow us to finally meet. Perhaps I am a fool for trusting her, but I will love you with all my heart despite what Fate has to say. Even if we fall out, even if we fall apart, I will still cherish the memories we made fondly and pray for good omens to come your way.
- your siofra
For my dear perełko,
I am writing this for you mostly for me. You realize why I call you "perełko"? Your a pearl to me, it's that simple, you're precious and beautiful. Your my greatest treasure ny love. Your strong and smart and creative. And you are oh so good to me, truly I've never known such sweetness from a partner. I have never felt such relief to know someone as darling as you, but I do. I know you. I'm so glad you're in my life, truly. I'll be grateful forever to God for giving me you, and for you being who you are. I love every part of you I really honestly do. You are so important and I want you to know I will always be here, even if you go on without me, I'll stay here for if you come back.
- your Kyloh